Dancing For Birth™ Press Kit
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Dancing For Birth™ Class Goes Global. Pregnant participants learn movements designed to encourage vertical birth.
A moratorium has been declared on forced back-lying birth (lithotomy position) by Stephanie Larson, Founder of Dancing For Birth™, whose vision is for people worldwide to have the enjoyment of dancing their babies into the world. Larson says pregnant individuals can learn how to harness gravity and move their bodies during labor for more satisfying births.
“Our bodies are not designed for birthing on our backs, which prevents the pelvis from opening fully and prevents gravity from helping the birth process” says Larson, who demonstrates that the routine interventions (such as back-lying) which characterize many hospital births are not evidence-based and are hindering instead of helping birthing people. “We are mammals after all. Can you imagine trying to coax an elephant to give birth on her back with her legs up in the air? Our maternal instincts tell us to move during labor and plant our feet on the floor when it’s time to push. To improve birth experiences, shift the paradigm from horizontal to vertical birth.” says Larson. Clearly, change is needed, as reported in ‘Evidence-Based Maternity Care’ by Sakala and Corry (Milbank Memorial Fund) “… many other nations are doing a better job with measures such as perinatal, neonatal, and maternal mortality, low birth weight, and cesarean rates. Nonetheless, per capita health expenditures for the United States far exceed those of all other nations.” The report includes the use of upright birthing positions as a proven, cost-effective, low intervention practice that is widely underused.
Dancing For Birth™ class teaches a “language of movement” specially designed for those in any stage of pregnancy and for postpartum parents wearing their babies in soft slings or wraps. The movements are inspired by world dance forms like Middle Eastern dance, African dance, and Latin dance. The 90-minute weekly class, which fuses dance fitness with childbirth education, resonates with participants. “Modern day pregnant parents want to celebrate birth and be transformed by it.” says Larson. “They have innate wisdom of how to give birth, and Dancing For Birth™ class helps awaken their abilities.” People often come to class for fun and fitness, and gain more than they expected to. Dancing For Birth™ class participants love the fact that their instructors are birth experts (many are also doulas, midwives, nurses, and childbirth educators) who help them navigate the many uncertainties that arise during pregnancy and during early parenting. “I gained great moves to help me feel good, and birthing positions and knowledge of what I can do to help me through labor”, said pregnant participant Melanie Eng.
“The first step to a satisfying birth,” says Larson, “is to listen to your baby via your body—and move accordingly. For many birthing individuals this means laboring and birthing actively, in a forward-leaning vertical position, out of bed.” By moving instinctively, using gravity and positioning to your advantage, you can increase the dimensions of your pelvis for your baby’s passage, help your baby rotate and descend, help avoid unnecessary interventions and enjoy natural pain relief. Studies confirm that this shortens labor, reduces epidural requests, and reduces c-sections.
Larson, a mother of four, founded Dancing For Birth™ in 2000, when she realized that her lifelong love of dance, which had helped her give birth naturally, could help others as well. Class is currently available on four continents. For more information please visit www.DancingForBirth.com or call (314) 357-1953

Dancing For Birth™ Benefits
These benefits for your baby, for your birth, and for your health are backed by studies

Dancing For Birth™ Statistics
Our statistics demonstrate how beneficial our classes are for pregnancy, birth and postpartum

Dancing For Birth™ Founder
Stephanie Larson is a leading world expert on supporting birth through movement, and a mom